%%%%%%%%%%%% % ABSTRACT % %%%%%%%%%%%% TheTeam: [KOIDL Christian] [GEIERSPICHLER Andrea] [GROSS Roman] [POBER Michael] [RUHS Gunnar] Academic Supervisor: Mag. DI Dr. Roland Schwaiger Initial Assignments: A company that auctions real estates wants us to develop a software-solution for their process of collecting and representing information. (Code: ImmoWarrior). Potential users of this system are: The ones, who gather and enter the information and the ones, who want to read it. Those readers can either be persons, or other systems. This leads to two different scenarios: Immowarrior sends the information to an other computer system. Immowarrior displays the information for a person what requires us to design an appropriate user-interface. Specially required by the client is, that the software is to be easily maintainable and that no one has to install client-software to be able to use Immowarrior. For the first phase of the project, we ought to concentrate on the basic-functions of the software, but we should keep the possibility in mind to add expansions, developed in cooperation with our group. Refinements during the development of our project: Some refinements to the problem domain had to be done: The client wants the possibility to obtain relevant information on offers via the internet or the mobile phone. The information should be sent to the customer either automatically by the system (push) or on individual request (pull). The system should provide an access-control-system. Private persons receive their username/password by e-mail. Private persons have to pay a fee for publishing and viewing information. There should be the possibility to include different multimedia-elements (pictures, movies, sounds). mfg, TheTeam