HOW TO INSTALL ALGAE -------------------- Prerequisites 1) Download JDK1.3 from the homepage (~31MB). 2) Install JDK1.3 and follow the installation instructions. 3) Check if javac is located in c:\jdk1.3\bin. Algae 1) Make a directory algae, e.g. c:\algae. 2) Download to your newly created directory. 3) Unzip, e.g. with WinZip. 4) Change to your newly created directory and call all.bat, which will compile ALGAE. You probably have to change, in the all.bat file, the call javac ... to c:\jdk1.3\bin\javac ... 5) Call mr.bat to run ALGAE. You probably have to change, in the all.bat file, the call javac ... to c:\jdk1.3\bin\javac ... Done