Quantization Watermarking in the JPEG2000 Coding Pipeline

Peter Meerwald
paper submitted, accepted, final paper, presentation May 2001
International Federation for Information Processing, Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security
Darmstadt, Germany, May 21 - 22, 2001
as BibTeX-file

conference page


In this paper, we propose a blind watermarking method integrated in the JPEG2000 coding pipeline. Prior to the entropy coding stage, the binary watermark is placed in the independent code-blocks using Quantization Index Modulation (QIM). The quantization strategy allows to embed data in the low-resolution detail subbands as well as in the residual image. Watermark recovery is performed without reference to the original image during image decompression. The proposed embedding scheme is robust to compression and other image processing attacks. We demonstrate two application scenarios: image authentication and copyright protection.

Keywords: digital watermarking, quantization, QIM, dither modulation, JPEG2000, robustness, image authentication, data hiding.


Available in Acrobat (.pdf, zipped) und Postscript (.ps.gz, gzipped) format.

Foils of the presentation are available as Acrobat (.PDF)- and Postscript (.ps.gz, gzipped) files.

Peter Meerwald, pmeerw@cosy.sbg.ac.at