Research Lines

Research Interests

Though, coming from an engineering background I am very keen on basic research without losing sight of potential applications. Naturally, the field of Computational Intelligence offers vast opportunities to utilize the results of basic research for various applications. The areas I am currently working in are:

Work Groups

Research at our university is organized in formal work groups with their own legal status. I am a member of the following groups (units): The neurodynamics group consists mainly of biologists working in various fields of neurobiology. Besides having learned a lot on neurobiology from excellent researchers in numerous seminars in the last couple of years, my part in this group is computational modelling of nervous systems (to avoid the term "brains"..;-). Currently, we are working on a simulation of the evolution of bird behavior, more specifically, the evolution of (simple) brains of migratory and sedentary birds. Our goal is to investigate, if simulated evolution generates differences in brain structure similar to those found in real birds.

In the scientific computation group I play the role of a user, as e.g., the evolution of artificial neural networks is a computationally very expensive endeavor. Currently, (amongst other things) we utilize the computational power of our cluster for ANNs learning to play the game of Go employing evolutionary and reinforcement training methods.

The applied algorithmics group is home to industrial applications of computational intelligence. Having designed and implemented a generic evolutionary framework for resource allocation problems, which is currently accustomed to user needs at our test site in a drama school, we are now working with two companies on different topics. In a cooperation with ANDATA two master students work on their thesis in the fields of car crash detection and autonomous traffic control employing computational intelligence methods. In a project with Pöyry Infra GmbH we work on the automatic classification of geological formations based on data from a tunnel boring machine, which are processed by statistical and neural pattern recognition approaches.

Industrial Cooperations

More Cooperations


The above lines of research emerged from our previous research group siGis (Salzburg Interest Group on Integrated Systems), which has been formed in spring '94 with the initiative of Roland Schwaiger under the supervision of Prof. Horst D. Clausen and Prof. Jochen Pfalzgraf (then with RISC Linz). The foundation members were: By time members came and went, among those were Karl Fürlinger , Marc Strapetz , Bernhard Krön , Joachim Steinwendner, Christian Blaschke, Wolfgang Brauneis, and Gerhard Katstaller.
I would like to thank all participants for their support and encouragement, and can assure that the siGis spirit will certainly prevail in our work!
Helmut A. Mayer
Last modified: Dec 7 2012